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If you know me, then you know I love a good New Year. I don’t really do New Year’s resolutions, but I think it’s the perfect time to set goals or recommit to previous goals. It’s a great opportunity to gain hope and believe good things will come your way, especially if you’ve been through a rough year like most of us have.

I still love all my personal goals from last year, but I didn’t make much headway on them. I wish that I’d been more successful at getting things done, but it was still an important year in it’s own way. Sometimes there are life lessons we need to learn before we can move on or grow in certain ways. For whatever reason, I know I would’ve failed miserable at my goals if I hadn’t learned to love myself more, want less perfectionism, be strong, live in the moment, and truly be grateful for all my blessings.

This year, I want to recommit to my personal goals and this journey I’m on. I know if I can use what I’ve learned to my advantage, then I’ll be able to get where I want to be in a healthy, sustainable way.

I’ve thought a lot about how I’ll be able to move forward this year and I’ve decided to focus on breaking my goals down into small, attainable goals that I can improve upon each week. I’m going to start this weekend by working on my makeshift at-home office. It’ll be so nice to have a clean, organized space where I can focus on work and enjoy some activities like journaling, reading, and exercising. It won’t be perfect by any means, but I’ll make it work.

As far as what I’ll be working on this year, I want to focus on all my goals at the same time. My priority will still be my physical and internal goals like last year, but I also want to prioritize my environmental element which is to clean, organize, and decorate our home. I’ve realized it’s so hard to work on anything when your house is a mess and you’re always playing catchup. I think working on our house will be just as important as working on my health, and it might make my other goals easier in the future too. Even those those three elements will be my priority, I’ll still be able to devote a few minutes each week to work on some of the other elements as well. I have a feeling it’ll help keep me motivated and balanced throughout this new year.