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This question has been on my mind a lot this week. It’s been hard getting back into the swing of things after the holidays. I’ve noticed I’m more tired than normal and too overwhelmed with all the things I need to do. It’s apparent that I’m not living my life the way I really want to be. And it’s been so long since I’ve asked myself this question, I’m not entirely sure what the answer to it is anymore.

Since it’s a new year and I really want this year to be different, I think it’s important to reevaluate and get a clear vision of what I want my life to be like. So, I’ve come up with some questions to help me brainstorm and think about all the aspects of my ideal life.

I want to spend most of my day living in the moment and working on projects that allow me to be creative. Whether I’m at work, at home, or on vacation, I want to find little moments I can devote to personal rituals that help make every day feel more fulfilling. I want them to remind me of God’s role in my life, get me closer to achieving my goals, and connect me to the world around me.

To add more fun into my life, I want to spend time on my hobbies. I’m hoping to find even more hobbies that will encourage me to get moving and step out of my comfort zone. I also want to spend quality time with my family. I want to explore our local area, attend seasonal events, and really enjoy the full process of the year. I want to go on more vacations and weekend getaways too.

I want to relax by giving myself breaks from all the things I need to do. I can take short breaks to go for a walk, pray, meditate, talk with my loved ones, etc. Every once in a while, I can take even longer breaks to get a massage, give myself a spa night at home, watch a movie, read a book, and so much more.

I want to constantly work towards achieving my personal goals, becoming a better person, improving my marriage, and getting closer to God. I want to build better relationships with those around me and develop more empathy for their situations. I also want to have a better understanding of our world and feel more connected to it.

I want to let go of all the expectations I have about my life. I don’t want to feel obligated to be perfect, have a certain kind of lifestyle, or be like other people. I want to let go of all the clutter I have, whether it’s items in my home that I don’t need or items on my to do list that I don’t really need to do.

I want people in my life that are funny and easy-going. I want to enjoy their company and look forward to spending time with them. I also want them to be kind, loving, and genuinely care about me. I hope they have similar values to me so we can rely on each other when we need to.

I want cute, bright objects in my home. I want my surroundings to make me feel happy and comforted. I hope they remind me of my favorite memories and are able to inspire me each day. I also want the objects in my home to be functional and well-organized. I think our home should be easy to take care of and keep in order.

I want to describe myself as good-hearted. I want to be kind, loving, and caring. I hope I’m a good friend and I’m able to help others when I can. I really want to be happy, healthy, and energetic. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. I want to be incredibly proud of who I am and the life I’ve built with Clifton. I also want to be easy-going and always up for an adventure. I only have so much time to live and want to make the most of it.

I always want to feel loved by God, my family, and my friends. For the most part, I want to feel content with what I have and what I’m doing, even when I’m unsure of things. I also want to feel healthy and strong. I don’t want to feel tired, stressed, or overwhelmed. And when I do, because I’m human and it’s inevitable, I want to know how to deal with it appropriately.

I want God to play an important role in my life. I want to think about Him throughout the day and always be aware of His love. I want to turn to God when I’m happy and things are going well. But I also want to turn to God when things are going bad and I’m having a hard time. I want to ask Him for advice and let His prompts guide my life.

In good situations, I want to be thankful for what I’ve been given. I want to be mindful of what’s going on instead of thinking about other things. I hope I’m able to be genuine and really appreciate all the good moments in my life.

In bad situations, I still want to be thankful for what I’ve been given. I want to understand that my difficult times will pass and know the right steps to take in order to get through them. I hope I’m able to take my time to react to bad situations instead of acting rashly.

I’m willing to put a lot of effort into my life, but I don’t really want to. I think I have a tendency to make my life harder than it needs to be. I want to simplify my life so I don’t have to spend as much time and effort on everything. I only want to work hard on things that are important to me, my loved ones, and God.

Aside from tracking my progress through this blog, I want to keep track of all my accomplishments in a planner or journal of some kind. It needs to be something that can easily be changed, since I have a hard time with notebooks if I make mistakes. I also want to keep track of my progress by how I feel each day and if I’m moving forward. Sometimes I can’t see when I’m taking small steps, so I just give up entirely. For my journey, it’s going to be really important that I’m able to learn how to make mistakes and gradual progress without wanting to start over.

I want to change my idea of happiness and fulfillment. Right now, I’m not content with the way things are in our life. I keep thinking that things will be fine and I’ll feel a lot better when I improve things. But while I’m on this journey, I’ll need to find a way to appreciate all the ups and downs. I really need to learn to love the whole process and where I’m at in each stage.