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After my last post, I realized that I actually have some important goals and they aren’t as selfish as I used to think they were. They have a lot to do with fulfilling my purpose and making myself available for more meaningful things in life. Plus, I think they’ll help with my main objective of exploring my soul, the universe, and the divine connection between them. I also realized that I don’t want to spend any more time waiting until I feel centered enough to really start living my life and working towards those goals. Maybe stability can come with time, so focusing on myself and making small changes will only help me get to that point.

I’m going to begin by creating a more specific goal list using all the information I came up with during my brainstorming session. Having a more concise list will help me understand where I need to focus my energy, how much time I should be devoting to each goal, what small changes I can start implementing into my life, and how I should be tracking my progress.

On top of that, I want to take a deeper look at my daily life and track where I’m currently at with everything. I’m going to see how much money I’m spending, where my money is going, what I’m eating and drinking, how I’m using my time, how much sleep I’m getting, what I’m doing to take care of myself, what areas in my life are getting too much or too little attention, and how my mood changes throughout the day. It probably doesn’t seem like much, but it’ll be a good first step for me. Being able to identify what you’re doing is a lot less passive than just going with the flow. Plus, it’ll get me moving in the right direction.

And since I’m feeling ambitious today, I also think it’s a good week to work on my soda habit. There’s a million reasons why drinking soda isn’t very healthy, but I want to start living by The Word of Wisdom too. It doesn’t specifically mention soda, but I interpret it to mean moderation in all things, especially those that are unhealthy or cause dependence. I’m not sure if I can stop drinking soda cold turkey, so I’m just going to stop drinking those with caffeine for now. It’ll take a lot to get through the caffeine withdrawal headaches, which is why I don’t mind letting myself have a Sprite or Root Beer for a quick pick-me-up.