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Well, it happened. I gained back all the weight I’ve lost, but I know it’s just because I’ve been lacking motivation lately. I wish I had a good reason, but the truth is that having health problems just really wears me down sometimes. It’s still hard even though I’m feeling a little better and trying to stay positive. So, I’ve been avoiding going to the grocery store, cooking healthy meals, tracking my calories, and drinking water.

Over the weekend, we were in desperate need of more food so we decided to try ordering our groceries online. It was super easy and incredibly helpful. I honestly couldn’t believe that I hadn’t been using it all along. If there’s a solution for grocery shopping in my situation, then there has to be other alternatives out there too.

I took some time to brainstorm and decided to try a few new things this week. I’ll be eating frozen lunches, cooking simpler dinners, and enjoying meals in our backyard. I’ve been working from home and in pain for months now, so any kind of break will help reduce my stress. Our view outside is beautiful too! There’s a few big trees just beyond our fence in the common area and the weather is usually pretty nice.

As far as everything else goes, I decided to schedule my surgery for early September. I’m still going to physical therapy and I’ll be getting my third steroid shot in the mean time. I might not even need surgery if I’m pain-free by then, but it’s always better to be on the safe side and make sure I’m scheduled just in case.

Despite all my health problems, I’ve actually come a long way since I first started. I’ve taken care of my back as much as I could and I’ve improved a lot. I’m still taking weekly lessons through the Real Appeal program and I’ve learned so much. I’m more knowledgeable about exercise, nutrition, and goal-setting. Even though I can’t see the results on the scale yet, I’m still proud of myself for everything I’ve been through.